Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sweet and Low

I have been surfing the web reading blogs and stuff about diabetes. There is a lot of good information out there. I have never been one to be huggie and lovey with others about my health. I have always kept the fact that I am a type 1 diabetic to myself pretty much. I got so sick of the constant questions and the looks whenever you ate something. It is so hard to just say no to things that everyone else is eating around you. Thank goodness that I am not really that into cakes and sweets. I guess that's because when I eat them I can feel the regret and shame. Growing up was hard in the 80s with diabetes. I wasn't allowed anything remotely bad for you. I was watched like a hawk every time that I ate something. I felt like I was hungry all the time. So when I moved out I went to town in a big way. I had no restrictions and I guess I wasn't educated enough about the ever changing ways of caring for diabetes or I didn't really want to listen. I finally felt free. I remember I didn't feel good though and I was constantly thirsty but I was young and I didn't care. I never considered the damage that I may have caused myself. I was also going through huge turmoil at home. (I will talk about that one day)BUT today I want to change and I want to be healthy and I want to be around for my sons! I am a DIABETIC and if you can see my pump and want to stare at my boobs for awhile go for it!! Because I care about ME!!

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