Sunday, October 14, 2012

40 is a Bitch

Yep I said it!! Seriously I hit 40 and things with my body just started falling apart. In all honesty it really started happening earlier than that but you know everyone starts to freak out when they turn 40. I turned 40 in January and I had no intention of turning 40 fat but that is what happened. I welcomed my 40th year fat but I knew that I wanted to make some serious changes if I wanted to be around for my boys and eventually grandchildren. So I did what every self respecting woman would do.. I did nothing. No seriously I did do something. I went on an insulin pump. Now going on the insulin pump was one of the best things that I could have ever done for myself. It was tough at first but it is an amazing piece of technology and has left me wondering why I took so long to actually get with the program. So as we stand today my AC1 is 7.4 and back in January it was 10.7! I have made leaps and bound with this pump. I feel amazing in that respect. I have my diabetes under control and I also have my thyroid disease under control. My endocrinologist (who by the way is amazing) asked me if I felt wonderful and I honestly answered her no. I haven't felt on top of the world. I have felt sluggish and tired and moody. All summer I felt so blah and lazy. I knew this wasn't right so I have been working on some things and this week I started Bio-identical Hormone Replacement therapy. I am hoping this is my ticket to energyville. I need to get the fast train there like now. I also started counting calories and this is where my journey begins. I hope that you can join me is this battle of losing the flab, getting fit and happy!! If you don't have the myfitnesspal app then you should really get it. I love it and my husband has it to so its kind of cute and funny because we can comment on each others stuff. Kind of like flirting really but encouraging at the same time. Did you know you can even scan your stuff and it keeps a record of everything. I really like it and have found it useful. P.s. I adore my iphone too! Just so you know I love pink too so there will be a lot of that I am sure!

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